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Profile  •  Publications  •  Presentations  •  Exhibitions and Awards  •  Professional Memberships

Exhibitions and Awards
 • AMI Annual Salon. Salt Lake City, UT. July 2013. Cardiovascular Disease (Recipient of AMI Award of Excellence in Editorial Illustration and Members' Choice Award).
 • AMI Annual Salon. Baltimore, MD. July 2011. Brain Circuitry and Kinship and Pathology in King Tutankhamun's Family.
 • AMI Annual Salon. Richmond, VA. July 2010. Canalith Repositioning Procedure for Left-Sided Benign Paroxsymal Positional Vertigo and Anatomy of Paranasal Sinuses and Nasal Passages, and the Orbital Apex and Parasellar Region.
 • AMI Annual Salon. Richmond, VA. July 2009. Vitamin D: More than skin deep (Recipient of AMI Award of Excellence) and Uterine Artery Embolization.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Indianapolis, IN. July 2008. Anatomical Relationships fo the Endolymphatic Sac and Arteries of the Brain.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Bozeman, MT. July 2007. Plasmodium Life Cycle and Arthrocentesis of the Knee.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Boston, MA. August 2006.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Thousand Oaks, CA. July 2005. Normal Pelvic Floor Support and Mechanism of Erection and
   Sites of Action of Various Treatment Modalities for Erectile Dysfunction.

 •  AMI Annual Salon. Cleveland, OH. July 2004. The Complementary Techniques (Recipient of AMI Certificate of Merit),
   Northern Rxposure, How a Cochlear Implant Works, Dual-Chamber Pacing, and Examples of External Fixation.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. New Orleans, LA. July 2003. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. (Recipient of AMI Certificate of Merit) and Three of the More Common Types of Conjoined Twins.
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Monterey, CA. July 2001. Anatomy of Carotid Artery Dissection" (Recipient of AMI Award of Excellence)
 •  AMI Annual Salon. Rochester, MI. July 2000. Enucleation. (Recipient of Orville Parkes Student Best of Show, and AMI
    Award of Excellence)

 •  GNSI Members Exhibit. Évora, Portugal. July-August 2000. Paracanthurus hepatus, Hippo Tang. (Recipient of GNSI
    Award of Excellence)

 •  AMI Annual Salon. Atlanta, GA. July 1999. The Three Variations of Capillaries. (Recipient of AMI Award of Excellence)

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